– Homeopathic medicines encourage natural healing at the cellular level and strengthen the immune response and function of affected organs by restoring the natural ecosystem of the body in such a way that micro-organisms no longer find it conducive for their existence.
– In Homeopathy ultra-diluted doses of naturally occurring substances – plants, minerals, or animal-are used to stimulate a sick person’s natural defenses.
– Carefully selected Homeopathic medicine based on the individual characteristics and personality of the patient plays a major role in enhancing immunity and creating long-lasting positive effects of homeopathic medicines.
– Here are a few examples to quote:
1. INFLUENZINUM: Very important remedy is a prophylactic against influenza.
2. TRIFOLIUM REPENS: Very useful as prophylactic against mumps, feeling of congestion in salivary glands, pain, and hardening of especially submaxillary glands. Well-marked ptyalism.
3. DROSERA: Affects markedly the respiratory organs. Dr. Curie proved homeopathic Drosera to tuberculosis, Drosera was also able to raise resistance to tubercle, by curing early phthisis. Acts as a prophylactic against pertussis.
4. CHINIMUM SULPH: It is proven effective as a prophylactic against malaria.
5. EUPATORIUM PERF: Eupatorium acts principally upon the gastro-hepatic organs and acts as a prophylactic against Dengue.
6. MALANDRINUM: A very effective protection against CHICKENPOX.
7. VARIOLINUM: Used for “internal vaccination.” Seems to be efficacious in protecting against, modifying, and aiding in the cure of CHICKENPOX.
8. ARSENICALB: A profoundly acting remedy on every organ and tissue. It is a very useful prophylactic against Influenza, Measles, Chickenpox, Hay-fever, and sometimes Malaria.