Gain Control Over Skin Allergies with Homoeopathy

Skin is actually the largest organ of the body which weighs about 4 kg on an average of an adult human being. It approximately covers an area of about two square metres. The skin serves a lot of functions and among them the most important is the protection against chemicals, microbes, radiation etc. The skin also helps in the preservation of the proper balance of the internal environment by helping to keep us warm and prevents us from drying up. Moreover, the skin has the sensation of touch in all its variety.

Main Parts of Skin

The skin of human beings has two main parts that are as follows.

Epidermis – This is the superficial layer of the skin with varying thickness in various places of the body like 0.1 mm on the eyelids and 1 mm on the soles of the feet. The epidermis is devoid of blood vessels and the most superficial layer is dead which sheds constantly.

Dermis – It is the inner layer of the skin lying below the dermis supporting as well as nourishing it along with providing a number of other functions and immunity.

Allergies of the Skin

Skin problems are very commonly occurring and studies have revealed that about 20 to 30 percent of the population suffer from some or the other skin problems. The most commonly occurring skin problems is skin allergies which can be of numerous types and is mostly curable. The most serious form of skin problem is malignant melanoma which is actually the most aggressive form of skin cancer.

Skin allergies include eczema, psoriasis, hives and a number of others. Some other allergies of skin are induced by the external environment like bites of insects, exposure of chemicals, burns etc. The different types allergies of the skin are characterised by something different such as rashes, reddening of skin, itching sensation, bumps of skin and many more.

Homeopathic Treatment of Skin Allergies

Homeopathic treatment for skin allergies is certainly one of the most preferred form of treatment whether it be eczema, psoriasis or the others. This is because of the fact that homeopathy tries to holistically take care of the allergies of the skin by the treatment of the underlying causes rather than just supressing the symptoms of the condition that has occurred. In an addition to this, treatment with homeopathy makes sure that there are no side effects. This is undoubtedly one of the major reasons as to why most of the affected individuals with some or the other skin allergies opt for homeopathic treatment.

How CHHC Helps?

CHHC is one of the most trusted and reputed homeopathic clinics that helps the individuals affected with skin allergies offering them with the best possible treatment. The doctors at the clinic are adequately trained and vastly experienced so as to make sure that only the best as well as the most effective homeopathic medicines are prescribed for the purpose of offering the best cure. Some of the most common homeopathic medicines used by CHHC for dealing with the skin allergies are as listed below.

1. Arsenicum – It is used to treat the ailments of the skin in cases where the skin gets thickened like in cases of chronic eczema, chronic urticarial and psoriasis.

2. Apis Mellifica – This medicine is used for urticarial infections with a sudden onset of formation of welts that is widespread.

3. Hepar Sulphur – It is of great help in the treatment of moist eruptions on the folds of the
skin as well as joints.

4. Caladium – Caladium is great in case of asthmatics who tend to suffer from rashes.

5. Medorrhinium – It is used for especially the babies who have rashes around their anus
referred to as the diaper rashes. This medicine helps in the eruptions to subside.

6. Sulphur – Sulphur is just great for rashes that are extremely itchy with a burning sensation. It is good for rough, dry and peeling skin or in cases of fluid filled bumps or blisters.

7. Psorinum – This is an extremely powerful homeopathic medicines for itching and skin rashes particularly in the bend of joints.

8. Belladona – It is used for sudden appearance of bright red rashes along with a feeling of heat and the rashes appear intensely.

9. Camphora – This is remedy for rash that arises as a result of exposure to sun.

So, at any point of time you feel that you are facing a lot of trouble with skin allergies, do not waste any more time and come to CHHC for getting the best treatment from the most experienced doctors.

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