Homeopathic Treatment for Tinnitus

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus, the name itself sounds interesting. This is a medical condition where a person experiences noises in his/her ear, without any external factors. This noise can be heard either in one ear or both ears. When a person experiences this condition, it is a difficult time for them as they are always listening to some noise in their ears and to go about their daily routine in such a condition is highly difficult. This condition is known to affect 15-20 percent of the population. Tinnitus is not a disorder in itself; it is an indicator of any other condition like ear injury, circulatory system disorder, ear loss with advancing age.

When people are diagnosed with this condition, one of the symptoms they experience is “change of side or ear” from which they can hear the sound. People have also experienced changes to the intensity, pitch, volume, and type of sound, which they hear. In some cases, people also experience symptoms like vertigo, hearing difficulties, ear discharge and a sense of fullness/heaviness in the ears.

As tinnitus is not considered much of a disorder, most people with this condition tend to ignore all the symptoms. That, however, is not the correct approach as it is an indicator of something else being wrong. People experiencing these noises should consult a doctor as soon as possible for early diagnosis and treatment.

Conditions leading to tinnitus

Experts believe that tinnitus is not a disorder in itself but a result of any underlying condition. Some of the possible conditions are: extended exposure to noise, old-age related hearing loss, Meniere’s disease, high blood pressure, head/neck injuries, large quantities of ear wax, ear infections, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, high stress levels and alcohol addiction.

Homeopathy Treatment for Tinnitus

While there are many ways of treating tinnitus, many people are turning towards homeopathy medicines to help reduce the tinnitus symptoms and therefore, offer a cure for the condition in the long term. Some of the commonly used homeopathy treatments for tinnitus include:

  1. Kali Mur- Among homeopathic medicines, kali mur is the best recommended natural medicine to offer relief from tinnitus. This medicine is used when there is lot of mucus discharge from the nose/throat area. The medicine also helps to treat popping and crackling sounds associated with tinnitus. Persons with long standing problems of ear discharges or Otorrhea can also seek relief with this type of homeopathy treatment.
  2. Natrum Salicylicum- This is another homeopathy medicine widely used to treat tinnitus and vertigo. This medicine is specially used to cure tinnitus, which develops due to Meniere’s disease. People with symptoms like ear noises, hearing loss and also those having vertigo must definitely make use of this homeopathy medicine to secure some relief. Tinnitus patients are subject to light sounds, which are heard all the time. Vertigo patients, on the other hand, suffer serious spells while sitting or getting up from bed.
  3. Graphites Naturalis: This homeopathy medicine is mainly utilized to cure the symptoms of somatic tinnitus, which become severe if there is head or jaw movement. People with this form of tinnitus usually experience hissing, buzzing, whistling or roaring sounds. They are also known to experience jammed ears and ear dryness in this situation.

There is no permanent cure for tinnitus problem till now but only effective treatment found in homeopathic medicine—natural remedies made from diluted extracts of plants and minerals.

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