Duration of an average menstrual cycle is 4-5 days where a woman looses about 20 to 80 ml of blood per month with an average being 45 ml. where a woman changes a pad at every 6 to 8 hrs during moderate flow days.Patients suffering from menorrhagia/ metrorrhagia for many months develop pallor and low level of haemoglobin (anaemia) later on.
Menorrhagia is defined as cyclic bleeding at normal intervals; the bleeding is either excessive in amount (> 80 mL) or duration (>7 days) or both, this means it is a cyclic bleeding at normal intervals that is either excessive in amount or lasts for more than seven days or both. Its symptoms include Long-lasting menstrual periods Blood clots that are the size of a quarter or even larger Consistent bleeding that restricts your regular activities Constant pain in the lower abdomen Lack of energy. Causes of menorrhagia: Common causes of menorrhagia are Fibroid uterus Adenomyosis Chronic infection of ovaries and fallopian tubes Anovulatory cycles during puberty and menopause. Hypothyroidism /Hyperthyroidism, Intrauterine type of birth control device (copper T)Systemic diseases like Congestive Cardiac Failure, severe Hypertension and Liver Dysfunction (where liver cells fail to conjugate and thereby inactivate estrogens, which leads to excessive estrogens) cause Menorrhagia Stressful life circumstances and/or irregular lifestyle also plays a major role in developing menorrhagia.
How can Homeopathy help?
Well-chosen homeopathic medicine matches with the expression and symptoms of the bleeding of the individual patient. Like,
Nature of menstrual flowRelation of menstrual flow with time (i.e. more during daytime/ at night etc.)Relation of menstrual flow with the posture of the patient (i.e. more while walking/ lying down/ while sitting/ any finest movement cause flow etc.)Colour, odor and consistency of the menstrual blood (i.e. bright red/ black/ pale/ clotted/ free fluid/ offensive smelling etc.)Any particular symptom noticed before/ during/ after menses.Any factor that relieves the suffering of the patient for time being.
Well selected homeopathic medicines match well with the patient suffering and patient’s symptoms, the particulars of the menstrual flow, the characteristic of the blood, which brings changes in the ovarian function, in the structure and the pathological changes which are occurring in the uterus as well as it controls the active bleeding and thus help the patient and relieve the symptoms of menorrhagia. E.g.
If the patient has severe menorrhagia with menstrual flow at every least movements, where the menstrual blood is bright red and partly clotted, here in this case Sabina is the remedyErigeron has bright red menstrual flow with prolapse of uterus and irritation in rectum and bladder and bleeding pilesLachesis is usually indicated in menorrhagia during menopause age where patient has hot flushes, the menstrual flow is dark blackish red in colour.Millefolium is indicated where the menstrual flow is profuse, bright red fluid.Other useful medicines are Cyclmen, Sepia, Phosphorus, Trillium, Secale cor etc. the list is very long. The symptoms are matched after detailed history taking and thus the correct homeopathic medicine is found out.
Metrorrhagia is defined as a condition of irregular and acyclic uterine bleeding that occurs at irregular intervals, specifically between the expected menstrual periods. Its symptoms include anemia, tiredness, fatigue or shortness of breath or symptoms similar to menorrhagia etc.causes of metrorrhagia:
Common causes of metrorrhagia include
Uterine polypUterine fibroidEndometriosisUterine carcinomaLoss of ectopic pregnancyChronic bacterial infection (Chlamydial or Tubercular cervicitis)How can Homeopathy help?
Homeopathy uses a very personalized approach while treating patients with metrorrhagia. This approach helps target the major reasons for the ailment and cures them accordingly. -chosen homeopathic medicine matches with the expression and symptoms of the bleeding of the individual patient. Like,
Nature of menstrual flowRelation of menstrual flow with time (i.e. more during daytime/ at night etc.)Relation of menstrual flow with the posture of the patient (i.e. more while walking/ lying down/ while sitting/ any finest movement cause flow etc.)Colour, odor and consistency of the menstrual blood (i.e. bright red/ black/ pale/ clotted/ free fluid/ offensive smelling etc.)Any particular symptom noticed before/ during/ after menses.Any factor that relieves the suffering of the patient for time being.
Well selected homeopathic medicines match well with the patient suffering and patient’s symptoms, the particulars of the menstrual flow, the characteristic of the blood, which brings changes in the ovarian function, in the structure and the pathological changes which are occurring in the uterus as well as it controls the active bleeding.
Calcarea Carb: This medicine is indicated in metrorrhagia of menopausal age, metrorrhagia with obesity and biliousness, patient is extremely chilly. Menstrual blood is profuse and bright red. Indicated in metrorrhagia due to uterine polyp.Phosphorus: It is indicated in profuse dark red gushing menstrual flow of thin fluid blood. Metrorrhagia of thin, tall ladies. Indicated for metrorrhagia from fibroid uterus.Sabina: It is indicated in offensive smelling, gushing, dark, clotted, thin fluid menstrual flow, mainly due to fibroid uterus. Metrorrhagia aggravates mainly during motion but ameliorated while walking.Ustilago: Indicated in metrorrhagia due to weakness of muscles of uterus. Menstrual flow is bright red mixed with clots, oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming long black strings. Metrorrhagia mainly during menopausal age.Cimicifuga: Indicated in profuse, dark, coagulated, offensive menstrual flow with backache.
Many other medicines like Ipecac, China, Lachesis, Platina, Pulsatilla, Secale cor, Trillium etc. have proven beneficial to control metrorrhagia and establish normal menstrual cycle in hundreds of patients at our clinics (Vadodara- 6359876699 and Ahmedabad- 8160474568) under the able guidance of Dr. Mahavrat Patel.
Dysmenorrhoea refers to the painful menstruation that incapacitates day to day activities. symptoms: The patient feels severe cramps in lower abdomen. It happens around the time when menstruation begins and the symptoms often last less than three days and there is frequent pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen. Its symptoms include cramping in the lower belly, back pain, pain spreading down to the legs, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, etc.Causes of dysmenorrhoea:Mostly dysmenorrhoea is genetic, if the patient has family history of mother/sister/any other female suffering from dysmenorrhoea, she is likely to suffer from dysmenorrhoea.Dysmenorrhoea developes because of stressful life circumstances and irregular life style. Tension and anxiety during adolescence also leads to dysmenorrhoea.Dysmenorrhoea develops if the patient has ovulatory cycle.If the dysmenorrhoea occurs due to some pelvic pathology (like endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroid, intrauterine iucd, chronic pelvic infection), intermenstrual period of the patient is not completely painfree.How can Homeopathy help?
Homeopathic remedies in dysmenorrhoea not only relieve the pain but also it addresses the cause of pain. After thorough history taking one has to match the picture with the medicines. Well selected homeopathic medicines match well with the patient suffering and patient’s symptoms, the characteristic of pain, its aggravating and ameliorating factors, the structural and the pathological changes which are occurring in the uterus and relieves cramps and pains.
Some useful Homeopathic medicines that cure dysmenorrhoea are listed below:
Colocynthis: Women with copious menstruation, and of sedentary habits. Dysmenorrhoea developed after excess of anger. Agonizing pain in abdomen, causing patient to bend double. The patient has ovarian cyst.Kali Carb: The patient has sharp cutting pain in abdomen with profuse menses. Usually, the pain occurs early in the morning with profuse night sweats. Dropsical swelling of face. The patient has severe backache with weakness of limbs that she can’t stand.Mag Phos: The patient has severe cramps in abdomen. The pains always relieved by warm application. Also indicated in ovarian neuralgia where the pain is very severe and better after warm application.Pulsatilla: indicated in dysmenorrhoea during puberty. Patient is constantly crying. Dysmenorrhoea associated with indigestion. The patient is complete thirstless. Dysmenorrhoea better after applying cold pad.Other few useful remedies like Xanthoxylum, Calcarea Phos, Cimicifuga and many others provide relief from the painful menstrual cramps which usually begin with the start of the menstrual cycle. It also aims at curing and relieving the person from abdominal pain, clots, nausea and other problems which are related to dysmenorrhea.
Thus, homeopathy is a safe, simple and natural way to help you cure your irregular periods. It is especially beneficial for women as it is a medical system that understands and provides the emotional and psychological support that is crucial for recovery. Mild yet effective, it offers an easy and lasting solution for all your menstrual problems.
We here at Dr. Mahavrat’s – Cosmic Homeo Healing Centre, aim at providing you with the best homeopathic care and treatment. Our experienced and qualified staff is at your service to give you the best treatment that gives long-lasting results.