Role Of Homeopathy In Curing Hormonal Imbalance In Women

What Are Hormones? Hormones are biochemical messengers of our body and are produced by endocrine glands- adrenals, thyroid, pancreas and ovaries (in females) or testes. Hormones, travel through the bloodstream to tissues & organs and control most of our body’s major processes, including metabolism and reproduction. What Is Hormonal Imbalance? Sometimes hormones get out of… Continue reading Role Of Homeopathy In Curing Hormonal Imbalance In Women

The effect of homoeopathy treatment on PCOD

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a disease caused by multiple cysts (small sacs filled with fluid) in the ovaries. Patients with PCOD have abnormal levels of hormones that result in irregular menses and infertility.  Lack of awareness and lifestyle changes are two major factors leading to this phenomenon. PCOD has… Continue reading The effect of homoeopathy treatment on PCOD

Understanding the difference between PCOD & PCOS

Many women fail to realize the difference between PCOD and PCOS and often use both the terms interchangeably. In reality, both the conditions are different, in spite of the similarities like being related to ovaries and causing hormonal disturbances. Statistics suggest that both these lifestyle disorders are on the rise with 1 in 8 and… Continue reading Understanding the difference between PCOD & PCOS

Homeopathy For PCOD Treatment

Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), is the name for a disease characterized by multiple (‘poly’), cysts (small sacs filled with fluid) in the ovaries of a woman. For years, woman have been explained that PCOD is not just a silent disease but it is also a very deadly one.… Continue reading Homeopathy For PCOD Treatment