
A condition in which there is a build-up of fluid in the eye, which presses on the retina and the optic nerve. The retina is the layer of nerve tissue inside the eye that senses light and sends images along the optic nerve to the brain. Glaucoma can damage the optic nerve and cause loss… Continue reading Glaucoma

Halitosis and its Homeopathic Treatment

 What is Halitosis? Halitosis is also called as bad breath. Certain foods, health conditions and habits are among the bad breath causes. Reasons For Bad Breath: FOOD: The breakdown of food particles in and around your teeth can lead to more bacteria and cause a foul odor. Eating certain foods, such as onions, garlic and… Continue reading Halitosis and its Homeopathic Treatment


Bartholin's Cyst

What is Bartholin’s Cyst? There are two Bartholin’s glands situated on each side of the vaginal opening. They secrete fluid that lubricates the vagina. Sometimes the duct of these glands becomes obstructed and fluid backs up resulting in the formation of a cyst known as a Bartholin’s Cyst. How common is this? About two out… Continue reading BARTHOLIN’S CYST

How Homeopathy Helps in Pediatric Bronchitis

Treat Allergic Bronchitis Of Children effectively with homeopathy

What is Bronchitis in Children? Bronchitis is an inflammation of the large breathing tubes (bronchi) in the lungs. The illness can be short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic). Acute bronchitis means that the symptoms often develop quickly and don’t last long. Most cases are mild. Acute bronchitis is a clinical syndrome produced by inflammation of the… Continue reading How Homeopathy Helps in Pediatric Bronchitis

Boost your immunity with Homeopathy

Our body has an inbuilt defense mechanism called immune system which defends us against disease-causing organisms like bacteria, virus and fungus. In the absence of an immune system you can become a victim of tuberculosis because of microbes present in the air or harmful bacteria can enter your body while brushing the teeth.  The everyday… Continue reading Boost your immunity with Homeopathy

Homeopathic Treatment for Tinnitus

What is Tinnitus? Tinnitus, the name itself sounds interesting. This is a medical condition where a person experiences noises in his/her ear, without any external factors. This noise can be heard either in one ear or both ears. When a person experiences this condition, it is a difficult time for them as they are always… Continue reading Homeopathic Treatment for Tinnitus

Homeopathy Treatment for Molluscum Contagiosum

What is molluscum contagiosum? Mainly affecting young children, molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection, which is spread through both direct contacts or by sharing things. When a child contracts molluscum contagiosum, then he/she gets benign bumps or balls on the skin. Parents may fear that the bumps are painful, but they are harmless. These bumps… Continue reading Homeopathy Treatment for Molluscum Contagiosum

Homeopathic Treatment For Migraine With Aura: Symptoms And Treatment

Migraine with an aura which is also referred to as classic migraine is actually a recurring headache that strikes after or at the same time as the sensory disturbances known as aura. This is characterized by the neurological phenomenon that is experienced 10 to 30 minutes prior to the headache starts. These disturbances might include… Continue reading Homeopathic Treatment For Migraine With Aura: Symptoms And Treatment

Acne treatment: A homeopathic approach

Among the many problems faced by people, one of the common problems is that acne. This is most commonly seen in teenage girls and boys. Apart from adolescence age, this problem can also occur at a later stage. Something which is most commonly found in people of all ages is the delay in getting the… Continue reading Acne treatment: A homeopathic approach

Asthma and its treatment

People suffer from different kinds of diseases and ailments. Asthma is a disease which a person is born with. It is either genetic or poor immunity that causes it. It is basically a breathing problem which is caused due to the inflammation of the airways in our body. The muscle around the airway becomes so… Continue reading Asthma and its treatment